Hybrid electric boilers

Hybrid electric boilers
CERNEY has been specialising in the market for hybrid electric boilers for several years. Designed to produce steam or heat water, they use electricity, exhaust gases or a burner for conventional fuels as a heat source.
We have the capacity to design and produce customised hybrid electric boilers, being absolute market leaders in this field.
We manufacture hybrid electric boilers tailored to each customised situation. Contact us for information about your project.
Main advantage
The main advantage of this type of boiler is that it can use not only one of the heat sources, but also that it can work simultaneously with both electricity and the alternative heat source, such as a burner or gas heat recovery.
Taking into account the wide range of boilers that we manufacture, the design combinations that can be achieved are almost infinite: conventional burner, recovery and electric.
Types of Cerney electric industrial boilers
Contact us
You can write to us with any questions you may have, and we will be pleased to get back to you as soon as possible.